martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING THIS PROJECT POSSIBLE! We have just presented our project in our NVT subject in front of our mates and teachers. We are done for this year, but in summer we'll see you again, we are already thinking about new activities to develop this project for next year!
The only think we can reveal is that we will focus on science, gastronomy, literature and music, other aspects of culture!!

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!! We would like to thank specially to:

Javier Plano
Cristian Ruíz
Sheila Taylor
Pilar Fernández
David Cerdán
Berta Ballestín
Ubaldo Ramón
Álvaro Cirugeda
Aarón Cuenca
José Pellicer
Diego Herrero
Jorge Sebastián
Emilio Castán
Andrea Giner
Silvia Estarreado
Joaquín Murillo
Carolina Rojo
Victor Meneses
Lola Ranera y Belén
Jorge Pardo
Alfredo Ezquerra
Sofía Villagrasa
Ana Malo
Víctor (office)
Our families
Kids from workshops


OH, and you can still vote us in:  (Think Big Jóvenes)

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Victor Meneses

We have also done an interview to Victor Meneses, an infographist that works for "El Heraldo". He won the Pilar festivities poster contest with this painting.

He has developped an enterprise now that his drawings are known, Telomeneses.  For example, he has worked in the advertising campaign posters of  San Jorge University, that we can see nowadays  in bus shelters all over the city. 

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Think Big Jóvenes

Think Big Jóvenes, from Fundación Telefónica,  helps young people with new ideas to develop their projects.
 Guess what? Our project has been pre-selected! We will complete this information in the following days. Mean while, you can help us voting us in this web page!

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


Last Friday , we participated in a workshop made by Silvia Estarreado. She works in Pricipiarte, where she tries to make people forget about their external pressures.

We asked for help to our mates, soy they participated with us in the workshop. Finally, we were Paula, Isabel, Berta, Emilio, Ubaldo, Álvaro, Aarón, José, Diego and Jorge. We did different kind of activities which were guided by Silvia.

As we needed to lose embarrassment, we had to do some previos exercises, such as drawing our name in the air with our buttom, singing our name, or standing in a chair and saying something. At first it was kind of difficult, but then we soon open to ourselves and to the group.

Then, we made some improvisation theatres in which she told us a situation and we had to develop it. The next pair had to repeat the story but without talking, so that feelings were expressed with the body.

The next exercices were about glancing at each other with a clownie look. Then, in pairs, we had to stare at each other for a minute and try to get into the feelings we were getting from his eyes.  

The next activity consisted on walking through the class with the eyes close and hug our mates. We felt our mate's feeling and what our mate transmited us it was very impressive.

In the next activity we had to make a circle and each of us had to think about a movement that represent our owns feelings. Then, we had to put in common our movements and we had to make the mates's movement. It was really sensitive because we felt our mate's feelings.

It was a really good activity to feel ourselves and conected to the group!. Thank you Silvia!!!


Last 23th of April we went to visit an origami exhibition at the history museum in Zaragoza. We talekd with Jorge Pardo, one of the persons encharged of organicing origami exhibitions and talks, and he told us lots of things about this form of art and we discovered that Zaragoza is the most imporant city in the world in terms of origami.



This exhibition is done by a group of french people, CRIMP (Le Centre de Recherche International de Modelisation para le Pli). We personally find it really beautifull, as if you were getting into a whole ocean of paper!

All this exposition was done by Éric Joisel, who was a french artist who made incredible paper figures such as the ones you are going to see.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Paco Lafarga - Pequeño

Last 18th of April we went to see Paco Lafargas exhibition at Carolina Rojos gallery.
Paco Lafarga is a painter, who shows some of his painting in an exhibition called "Pequeño". This drawings are the mirror of the expanding universe. And of his subjects: landscapes, , interiors with naked bodies inside, almost photorealistic snapshots, still lifes, figures in the pool, bodies, open landscapes moving towards the horizon, almost abstract landscapes and dreamlike....

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

¨LOCOS POR EL POP II" Orquesta Esquinas

Hi everyone! As we told you on our last post, we went to ¨El Teatro de las Esquinas¨ where we met a cellist from ¨La Orquesta de las Esquinas¨. She asked us collaboration for their spot.

It is a song context in which you have to send your video singing and if they like you, you will go on stage the 11th May. Since it would be very fun we recommend you that experience!

You can follow them in @orquesquinas.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Interview to Joaquín Murillo

Last 22 of April we went to las Esquinas Theatre to interview Joaquín Murillo, who is the director of one of the two companies which carry on the theatre, and winner of the Max Awards. He told us about his startings in theatre, hhis projects, his view of culture in young people and in society in general. He also defined the word culture for us, it was a very interesting definition.

We met a cellist from the orchestra from this theatre.She wanted us to participate in a spot they are preparing for a song contest. The fourth of us sang "A quién le importa" the best as we could. We had a lot of fun!We were very pleased to help them. She asked us to promote their song contest, their orchestra and their activities in Sunday's mornings in the theatre! We certainly recommend it!

They showed us the theatre and all its facilities. We even got on the stage! We leave here with you some photographs that we took with Joaquín Murillo.

We will include the interview video  in the following days.




v  Activity: The purpose of this activity is to relate feelings with theatre and make children identify their own emotions. We will give them one emotion and they will have to make a situation according to that feeling. After they make their own ¨short plays¨ they will have to perform them to their mates which will need to guess what their feeling was.

v  Emotions:

     Ø  Happiness
     Ø  Sadness
     Ø  Fear
     Ø  Envy
     Ø  Shyness
     Ø  Love
     Ø  Bravery
     Ø  Surprise
     Ø  Hope



  • Activity: The purpose of this activity is to introduce kids in the theatre world in a different and amusing way. We have chosen four plays which are related with four different emotions. They will choose one and they will read the beginning of the plays. Each group has to improvise an alternative ending for the plays. The rest of the class will have to say what they think about it. In the end, we will show them the real ending.
  • Plays:          

1. Love: Twelfth Night                              

2. Revenge: Hamlet

3. Ambition: Macbeth

4. Jealousy: Othello.



Viola is shipwrecked on the coast of Illyria and she comes ashore with the help of a captain. She loses contact with her identical twin brother, Sebastian, whom she believes to be dead (but he appears in Illyria, alive). She (Olivia) dresses herself as a young man under the name Cesario, she enters the service of Duke Orsino, that is in love with Olivia,who doesn’t want to hear about men. Duke Orsino sends Cesario regulary to visit Olivia and try to convince her of falling in love with Duke Orsino. Due to this visits Olivia falls in love with Cesario, believing she is a man.
So now we have Viola (Cesario) in love with Duke Orsino, Duke Orsino in    love with Olivia and Olivia in love with Cesario.

-How will the play end?


  Macbeth receives three prophecies from three witches: he would be named Thane of Cawdor, he would be King of Scotland, and they assured him that “no man of woman born” would harm him. They also predict that Banquo’s descendants will be the heirs of the crown. When the first prediction becomes true, his ambitious wife manipulates him, so he kills King Duncan and plans to kill Banquo’s son.  Macduff, a noble man, and Malcom, Duncan’s son, discover the truth.

-Try to think how the other predictions will become true and how the play can finish.


Hamlet, the king of Denmark is death, and after his death the Queen of  Denmark, Gertrude, marries Claudio, King Hamlets brother.
The main character, Hamlet (king Hamlets son) saw the ghost of his father, who tells him that Claudio, killed him and that he, Hamlet, should take revenge by killing Claudio.
Hamlet starts acting strangely and people start to think that he is getting mad. However he doesn't know if he should believe the ghost or not, so he tells a theater company to represent a play showing his fathers death to observe Claudios reaction, who reacts very badly, leaving the theater.

-What will Hamlet do to Claudio, will he kill him?
-Will people believe Hamlet or will they just find it as a sign of his “madness”?


Othello, a noble black warrior in the Venetian army, has married a white woman Desdemona, the daughter of a prominent senator, Brabantio. When he finds out, he is outraged, and promptly disowns her.
Othello’s ensign, Iago, is jealous about Othello, partly because another soldier,Cassio, has been promoted ahead of him. Intent on revenge, Iago hatches a devious plan to plant suspicions in Othello’s mind that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him with Cassio.

-How will end Iago’s plan?
-Will Othello believes Desdemona?

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013


      This is a video where we explain our first thoughts about the project and the future appointments that we have. It was an spontaneus video that we filmed one afternoon, so we are sorry for the spanish comments but we think it makes the video more natural.



  • Activity: The purpose of this activity is to relate feelings with music and make children identify their own emotions listening to the songs proposed. We will show them different songs according to some specific feelings. After the songs they will be asked some questions related to what they have experienced listening to those songs.
  • Time: 50 minutes

  •  Songs:
Requiem for a dream soundtrack – Clint Mansell

Spring – Vivaldi

La noche del amor – El Rey León

My immortal - Evanescense

Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock


  •  Questions:
  1. What feelings have you experienced with those songs?
  2. Have you ever felt this way before?
  3. What makes you feel this way?
  4. In which situations have you felt this way?
  5. Have you ever listened to those songs before?

  • Final activity: In groups of four, pupils should choose an emotion from the ones exposed and they should find a song which is related with the feeling.



  • Activity: The purpose of this activity is to relate feelings with pieces of art. We will show the kids different works of art according to different periods of time in history. After the presentation we will ask them some questions related with the feelings they have experienced. 

  • Final activity: After the presentation, the children will be asked to draw the first thing they think about related with an emotion.

  •  Paintings
Lacoonte- Agesandro, Atenodoro y Polidoro de Rodas

Venus- Sandro Botticelli

El Beso- Gustav Klimt

La Noche Estrellada- Vincent Van Gogh

Fusilamientos del 2 de mayo- Francisco de Goya y Lucientes

  • Questions:
  1. What do you think that is happening in the painting?
  2. Have you ever seen this picture before? Do you know the name?
  3. Do you know who the author of this painting is? What can you tell us
  4. about him?
  5. Do you like it?
  6. What do you feel when you see it? Describe your feelings
  7. Would you like to see more pictures?


Hello everyone! For our NVT project we decided to do different workshops with kids in our school from infants, primary and secondary . With those workshops we wanted to join our project with an activity related with feelings called ¨emotional intelligence¨. We made four different workshops according to different culture's manifestations: art, music and theatre. For each theme we have made a document explaining our purpose and the development of it.



Interview to Silvia Estarreado - Principiarte

The 16th of April we interviewed Silvia Estarreado, who works in ¨Principiarte¨ trying to connect artistic expression with feelings. Her main objective is to help with the artistic- emotional development of people, making them grow and  improve their own view of the world. Principiarte achieves their main objective by making workshops with different activities such as dancing, performing... in which people take their clownie out of them


Carolina Rojo - Jorge Usán

The 21st of March we went to the opening of the Carolina's Rojo gallery with the art pieces of Jorge Usán, that took place in  Pablo Serrano museum. Carolina is a gallerist from Zaragoza who has participate in Art Madrid 2012 and 2013.


Exalatitte is the main piece of Jorge Usan’s exhibition. It’s an aluminum box that has servomotors inside of it. Those servomotors activated eleven rings with carved wood inlaid with boxwood; those rings are connected to a board that controlled the motors’ movements and they have interaction with a sound. Exalatitte reacts to the presence of the viewer because all the mechanism is connected to a control movement and reacts to a person’s movement. 
When the Exalatitte feels the presence of the viewer starts ''to dance’’ with an unique movement, it gives to the viewer different ‘’dances’’ so each viewer can learn something different.