domingo, 21 de abril de 2013



  • Activity: The purpose of this activity is to relate feelings with pieces of art. We will show the kids different works of art according to different periods of time in history. After the presentation we will ask them some questions related with the feelings they have experienced. 

  • Final activity: After the presentation, the children will be asked to draw the first thing they think about related with an emotion.

  •  Paintings
Lacoonte- Agesandro, Atenodoro y Polidoro de Rodas

Venus- Sandro Botticelli

El Beso- Gustav Klimt

La Noche Estrellada- Vincent Van Gogh

Fusilamientos del 2 de mayo- Francisco de Goya y Lucientes

  • Questions:
  1. What do you think that is happening in the painting?
  2. Have you ever seen this picture before? Do you know the name?
  3. Do you know who the author of this painting is? What can you tell us
  4. about him?
  5. Do you like it?
  6. What do you feel when you see it? Describe your feelings
  7. Would you like to see more pictures?

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