martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING THIS PROJECT POSSIBLE! We have just presented our project in our NVT subject in front of our mates and teachers. We are done for this year, but in summer we'll see you again, we are already thinking about new activities to develop this project for next year!
The only think we can reveal is that we will focus on science, gastronomy, literature and music, other aspects of culture!!

SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!! We would like to thank specially to:

Javier Plano
Cristian Ruíz
Sheila Taylor
Pilar Fernández
David Cerdán
Berta Ballestín
Ubaldo Ramón
Álvaro Cirugeda
Aarón Cuenca
José Pellicer
Diego Herrero
Jorge Sebastián
Emilio Castán
Andrea Giner
Silvia Estarreado
Joaquín Murillo
Carolina Rojo
Victor Meneses
Lola Ranera y Belén
Jorge Pardo
Alfredo Ezquerra
Sofía Villagrasa
Ana Malo
Víctor (office)
Our families
Kids from workshops


OH, and you can still vote us in:  (Think Big Jóvenes)

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Victor Meneses

We have also done an interview to Victor Meneses, an infographist that works for "El Heraldo". He won the Pilar festivities poster contest with this painting.

He has developped an enterprise now that his drawings are known, Telomeneses.  For example, he has worked in the advertising campaign posters of  San Jorge University, that we can see nowadays  in bus shelters all over the city. 

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Think Big Jóvenes

Think Big Jóvenes, from Fundación Telefónica,  helps young people with new ideas to develop their projects.
 Guess what? Our project has been pre-selected! We will complete this information in the following days. Mean while, you can help us voting us in this web page!

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


Last Friday , we participated in a workshop made by Silvia Estarreado. She works in Pricipiarte, where she tries to make people forget about their external pressures.

We asked for help to our mates, soy they participated with us in the workshop. Finally, we were Paula, Isabel, Berta, Emilio, Ubaldo, Álvaro, Aarón, José, Diego and Jorge. We did different kind of activities which were guided by Silvia.

As we needed to lose embarrassment, we had to do some previos exercises, such as drawing our name in the air with our buttom, singing our name, or standing in a chair and saying something. At first it was kind of difficult, but then we soon open to ourselves and to the group.

Then, we made some improvisation theatres in which she told us a situation and we had to develop it. The next pair had to repeat the story but without talking, so that feelings were expressed with the body.

The next exercices were about glancing at each other with a clownie look. Then, in pairs, we had to stare at each other for a minute and try to get into the feelings we were getting from his eyes.  

The next activity consisted on walking through the class with the eyes close and hug our mates. We felt our mate's feeling and what our mate transmited us it was very impressive.

In the next activity we had to make a circle and each of us had to think about a movement that represent our owns feelings. Then, we had to put in common our movements and we had to make the mates's movement. It was really sensitive because we felt our mate's feelings.

It was a really good activity to feel ourselves and conected to the group!. Thank you Silvia!!!


Last 23th of April we went to visit an origami exhibition at the history museum in Zaragoza. We talekd with Jorge Pardo, one of the persons encharged of organicing origami exhibitions and talks, and he told us lots of things about this form of art and we discovered that Zaragoza is the most imporant city in the world in terms of origami.



This exhibition is done by a group of french people, CRIMP (Le Centre de Recherche International de Modelisation para le Pli). We personally find it really beautifull, as if you were getting into a whole ocean of paper!

All this exposition was done by Éric Joisel, who was a french artist who made incredible paper figures such as the ones you are going to see.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Paco Lafarga - Pequeño

Last 18th of April we went to see Paco Lafargas exhibition at Carolina Rojos gallery.
Paco Lafarga is a painter, who shows some of his painting in an exhibition called "Pequeño". This drawings are the mirror of the expanding universe. And of his subjects: landscapes, , interiors with naked bodies inside, almost photorealistic snapshots, still lifes, figures in the pool, bodies, open landscapes moving towards the horizon, almost abstract landscapes and dreamlike....

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

¨LOCOS POR EL POP II" Orquesta Esquinas

Hi everyone! As we told you on our last post, we went to ¨El Teatro de las Esquinas¨ where we met a cellist from ¨La Orquesta de las Esquinas¨. She asked us collaboration for their spot.

It is a song context in which you have to send your video singing and if they like you, you will go on stage the 11th May. Since it would be very fun we recommend you that experience!

You can follow them in @orquesquinas.